Fargo 1.03 -- mostly housekeeping

New Archive command in File menu

If an outline is getting large, you may want to archive pieces of it.

It works by converting a sub-outline into an include.

An advanced feature

This is an advanced feature and should only be used by people who understand includes, and have large outlines that are taking a long time to save. Most people don't need to archive sections of their outlines, at least not yet.

Archived material can't be edited

Only archive sections that you don't need to edit, because you won't be able to edit them.

For example, if you're keeping a blog in Fargo, you might want to archive July's posts at the beginning of August -- only if you're sure you won't need to edit them.

Let me say it one more time -- no edits after something is archived.

How to

Put the cursor on the section of the outline you want to archive.

Choose Archive outline from the File menu.

Click OK to the confirmation prompt.

Wait a few seconds.

The bar cursor should change to an include node.

Technical details

The archives are stored in the archive sub-folder of your Fargo folder in Dropbox.

They're stored in a calendar structure and given fairly cryptic names that are very unlikely to "collide" with each other.

RSS feeds strictly chronological

Previously the feed was built by traversing the outline in the order of display. So if the calendar structure appeared first, all the elements in the calendar would be added to the feed before any others.

Now we do it strictly chronologically, so that if you add an item and move it outside of the calendar, it will appear in the feed in the order it was created.

As a result of this change, any item that does not have a created attribute will not appear in the feed.

Comments are now visible by default

I would prefer if reading one of your posts, to be able to view any comments people had left without having to click on the "Show Comments" link. I imagine most others do as well. Previously comments were hidden by default. Now they are visible by default.

If you would prefer that they be hidden, add this to the top level of your outline:

#flCommentsVisible "false"

New verb: string.hashMD5

Implements the MD5 encryption algorithm.

We're using the SparkMD5 package.

Muchos gracias amigo!

Posted: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:01:51 GMT